JUBATU Property Solutions has developed a model for Sustainable use of clothes and cutting waste in Uganda. This is because; the clothing industry is the second most polluting sector in the world. Around the world, people talk about how they wish to help the earth, how they recycle plastic or eat vegan food, but they still buy new clothes every now and then. In Uganda, we have already seen the ecological impact of the clothing industry on the planet.

Welcome to JUBATU Property Solutions Website

JUBATU PROPERTY SOLUTIONS LTD is a local Ugandan company that was established in 2018 by four social entrepreneurs with the major aim of ensuring that no property of any kind is put to waste. To form this company, the entrepreneurs were inspired by the kind of waste that happens at an individual household level; from clothes to foot wear, furniture and food that constitute majority of essential needs of any household. At the moment, our consumption habits have led to overexploitation of the planet which is responsible for the climate change we see today. Our consumption habits have already led to loss of biodiversity and a shortage of raw materials. We need to change this if we are to achieve sustainable development.

Forum for Accelerating a Circular Economy (FACE)

Face brings leaders together from across business, government and civil society to develop a collective circular economy agenda and drive ambitious action. Since 2020, FACE has become a national collaboration forum for key public and private decision makers to share a vision, best practices, and scale the circular economy together. Hundreds of leaders from governments, companies and civil society, across regions and sectors, have joined FACE’s Leadership Forum to help accelerate the transition to a circular economy nationally.

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Sustainable use of clothes and cutting waste in Uganda

In 2018, four entrepreneurs who founded JUBATU Property Solutions LTD launched a pilot regarding re-using clothes as one of ensuring sustainability and cutting waste in Uganda. The results from the pilot have confirmed that re-using clothes can have can bring massive benefits to the individuals involved, the society and the planet in general. Under the pilot project, our clients are provided with a set of new clothes when they bring old ones which are then cleaned and washed well before they are supplied to other people at a reduced cost. To do this, we opened a shop in Kabale town where people can hire high-quality garments for individual use as well as using at functions like weddings and other community functions for example by community groups.

Why this Enterprise?

JUBATU PROPERTY SOLUTIONS LTD has developed a model for Sustainable use of clothes and cutting waste in Uganda. This is because; the clothing industry is the second most polluting sector in the world. Around the world, people talk about how they wish to help the earth, how they recycle plastic or eat vegan food, but they still buy new clothes every now and then. In Uganda, we have already seen the ecological impact of the clothing industry on the planet. Up to 11000 litres of water are used to make one pair of jeans which then travel thousands of kilometres both by boat and by truck to get to a rural local retail store in Uganda. And when people are finished with them, maybe they donate them, or maybe they do not. In such cases, one pair of jeans is reused once, maybe twice.

The Vision

JUBATU business model has the potential to reduce the footprint up to 80%, compared to the traditional fashion consumption. JUBATU envision a circular model that will accelerate a powerful movement that can lead to a whole new and meaningful way of consumption. With this model, JUBATU meets people’s desire to regularly change clothes and addresses the problem of high turnover of People’s wear as they rapidly grow out of their clothes as well as the resulting waste issue and instead promotes a sustainable way of consumption in which resources are not exploited.

One client was telling us how his wife feels bad when he wears clothes again and again-this model therefore meets the needs of such clients who want to change clothes regularly without ditching deep in the pockets and affecting the planet. This is because sharing clothes and using them multiple times by different clients prevents consumption of valuable natural resources that would have been needed for the production of new clothes. In fact, by choosing to rent out JBATU clothes, customers contribute to saving 90% water, 72% cotton and 53% of CO2 emissions that would otherwise have been needed for the production of new clothes.

Key Activities

The key activities of this model involve collection of clothes, washing, caring, repairing and distribution. The model includes a training component where unemployed youth are trained on waste management for sustainable development. Through this training, we hope to create a team of social entrepreneurs, promote material circularity thereby reducing the production of waste and the unnecessary use of raw materials. We also train parcel delivery providers who act as agents in the distribution of clothes.

In addition to trainings, organize education sessions to enable people appreciate and adopt circular practices that not only leads to individual benefits but also that protects the earth from depletion and improves society. We organize “Wardrobe events” where people come together and interact with fashion experts. These events allow people to connect, learn how circularity can bring benefits to individual households and society as at large

Key Partners

JUBATU plans to partner up with the several organizations, companies and agencies in achieving its mission of protecting the earth from depletion, climate change, and improving society through waste management. We hope to partner with several service providers in the distribution of clothes to ensure short supply chains. All partnerships will aim at giving customers access to the high-end sustainable clothes at an affordable subscription fee.

Key Resources

One of the key resources of this model is the clothing itself. Consequently, customers play a big role in taking good care of the clothes and returning them back. JUBATU is therefore providing care instructions and is repairing garments to ensure their longevity and make sure they can circulate as repeatedly as possible.

Revenue Streams

For a monthly subscription fee of UGX 200,000, the customer will always have at their disposal 20 pieces of JUBATU clothing in their right size. This represents UGX 10,000 per garment. The service is also available in a smaller set of 10 pieces (for UGX 100,000 per month) and one of 5 pieces (for UGX 50,000 per month). We plan to extend subscription model to maternity wear, where expectant mothers can rent 10 pieces of clothing for as low as UGX 80,000 per month.